Welcome to Old Soul Studios, We love vintage and aged items that portray a silent story about them. We create new items from salvaged items and create new stories, kind of like the makings of "An Old Soul". We love the art of making something out of nothing, making something old into something new!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Learning as I go...

Well Hello there, yes this is still me, looks a little different... and the truth is I am learning as I go. I wanted to make some changes to our blog, changes to get me back on track toward my original intent. My original intent for this blog was to keep you informed and hopefully inspired about what we create and how this little business is evolving. I got so excited about our lives and all we do that I just started telling about it all Ha!. I will continue to do that over at my other blog (The Creative Gardener), can't guarantee I won't slip in a little life here and there, but overall I intend to keep this focused on our Old Soul Studios business.

We work a lot with metal. We create with metal and salvage and collect and resale vintage items. I enjoy taking pictures of all the texture that shows up in our items.

Thank you for visiting while I clean house and restyle this blog. Blogger has made some changes since I started blogging which was about 4 years ago and I feel the need to update my knowledge.

I would love to hear what you think so far... I am open to any feedback, I like good constructive guidance and would enjoy reading your comments. Thanks for dropping by ~ Jacque


  1. I am in the process of revamping my blog too. I believe it happens to all of us bloggers eventually and probably is for the best. Just blog from YOUR heart and you won't go wrong.

    Susan and Bentley

  2. I've love to be able to purchase some of your creations online. I think you need to open an Etsy shop!!!!

    I hear you! When I first started my blog it was to talk about my miniature dolls BUT it has become so much more than that, LOL, now I hardly talk about my dolls!


  3. Looks good Jacque. It is good to have some specific and current photos of your creations

  4. Your blog looks great! Thanks for the link!! I'll be in touch soon to buy more "wild flowers" and "happy garden" markers - they are selling great! And...any chance you and James could make me a clock for my back yard???? Then maybe I could open on time instead of daydreaming the time away while I water:))

  5. It looks great!!
    I really hope I can meet the fabulous you in person one day soon :) I'm off to check out your other blog!
